Basic endpoints

GET /api/version(.format)

The current version of Weasyl, in some specified format. The format can be one of .json or .txt, or omitted for JSON by default. For example:

{"short_sha": "deadbeef"}
GET /api/whoami

The currently logged-in user, as JSON. For example:

{"login": "weykent", "userid": 5756}

If there is no current user, the response will be a 401 Unauthorized.

GET /api/useravatar

A user’s avatar.

Query Parameters:

The result will resemble:

{"avatar": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/user/66/42/8d/0a/3f/8c/5756/avatar.png"}

Users without an avatar will get the default avatar icon back.

GET /api/submissions/frontpage

A list of submissions from the front page, respecting the current user’s browsing settings.

Query Parameters:
  • since – An ISO 8601 timestamp. If specified, only submissions posted after this time will be returned.
  • count – If specified, no more than this many submissions will be returned.

This will return at most 100 submissions. If count is more than 100, at most 100 submissions will be returned. It is possible to receive less than count submissions back if too many submissions are filtered by the user’s e.g. tag filters.

The result will be a JSON array of submission objects.

GET /api/submissions/(submitid)/view

View a particular submission by its submitid.

Query Parameters:
  • anyway – If omitted, the current user’s tag filters may cause an error to be returned instead of a submission object. If specified as any non-empty string, tag filters will be ignored.
  • increment_views – If omitted, the view count will not be incremented for the specified submission. If specified as any non-empty string while authenticated, the view count may be increased.

The result will be a JSON submission object.

GET /api/users/(login_name)/view

Retrieve information about a user by login name.

The result will be a JSON user object.

List a user’s gallery by login name.

Query Parameters:
  • since – An ISO 8601 timestamp. If specified, only submissions posted after this time will be returned.
  • count – If specified, no more than this many submissions will be returned.
  • folderid – If specified, only return submissions from the specified folderid.
  • backid – If specified, only return submissions with a submitid greater than the backid. This is used in pagination.
  • nextid – If specified, only return submissions with a submitid less than the nextid. This is used in pagination.

This will return at most 100 submissions. If count is more than 100, at most 100 submissions will be returned.

The result will be a JSON object with three keys: submissions, backid, and nextid. submissions will be a JSON array of submission objects. backid and nexid are used in pagination.

GET /api/messages/submissions

List submissions in an authenticated user’s inbox.

Query Parameters:
  • count – If specified, no more than this many submissions will be returned.
  • backtime – If specified, only return submissions with a unixtime greater than the backtime. This is used in pagination.
  • nexttime – If specified, only return submissions with a unixtime less than the nexttime. This is used in pagination.

This will return at most 100 submissions. If count is more than 100, at most 100 submissions will be returned.

The result will be a JSON object with three keys: submissions, backtime, and nexttime. submissions will be a JSON array of submission objects. backtime and nextime are used in pagination.

GET /api/messages/summary

List a summary of notifications for an authenticated user. The result will be a JSON object resembling:

    "comments": 0,
    "journals": 3,
    "notifications": 1,
    "submissions": 14,
    "unread_notes": 0


The result of this API endpoint is cached. New information is available only every three minutes or when a note arrives.

OAuth2 endpoints

GET /api/oauth2/authorize

The standard OAuth2 authorization endpoint. Currently only authorization code grants with callback URIs are supported.

Query Parameters:
  • client_id – The client identifier issued to the consumer by Weasyl.
  • redirect_uri – The callback URI the consumer provided to Weasyl before the client_id was issued.
  • scope – Currently, only one scope is allowed: "wholesite"
  • state – A random unguessable string.
  • response_type – Currently, only one response type is allowed: "code".

On a successful authorization, the user agent will be redirected to the redirect_uri with query parameters of code and state. code will be a random string used to retrieve the authorization code grant, and state will be the same state as was passed originally.

POST /api/oauth2/token

The endpoint for fetching and refreshing OAuth2 tokens.

Form Parameters:
  • client_secret – The client secret issued to the consumer by Weasyl.

Other form parameters are described for authorization code grants at <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1> and for refreshing tokens at <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-6>.


Access tokens currently expire after an hour, to be sure to use the provided refresh token before then.


A basic submission object resembles:

  "media": {},
  "owner": "Caffeinated-Owl",
  "owner_login": "caffeinatedowl",
  "posted_at": "2014-02-12T07:33:17Z"
  "rating": "general",
  "submitid": 466821,
  "subtype": "visual",
  "tags": [
  "title": "Tiny Little Pi",
  "type": "submission",

The type key will be one of "submission" or "character".

The subtype key for "submission" types will be one of "visual", "literary", or "multimedia".

The rating key will be one of "general", "moderate", "mature", or "explicit".

The media key is the submission’s media.

Slightly different keys are returned for the GET /api/submissions/(submitid)/view endpoint:

    "comments": 0,
    "description": "Itty bitty little snake hunter",
    "embedlink": null,
    "favorited": false,
    "favorites": 3,
    "folder_name": null,
    "folderid": null,
    "friends_only": false,
    "owner": "Caffeinated-Owl",
    "owner_login": "caffeinatedowl",
    "owner_media": {},
    "posted_at": "2014-02-12T07:33:17Z",
    "rating": "general",
    "media": {},
    "submitid": 466821,
    "subtype": "visual",
    "tags": [
    "title": "Tiny Little Pi",
    "type": "submission",
    "views": 6

The media key is the media for the submission itself, while the owner_media key is the media for the owner of the submission.

The embedlink key will be null for "visual" type submissions and potentially a URL for other submission types.

The description key is the HTML-rendered description of the submission.

The favorited key indicates whether or not the current user has favorited the submission.


A user object contains many keys. Some of these keys include:

The media of the specified user’s avatar and banner.
The rendered HTML of the specified user’s description.
An array of submission objects.
What kind of submissions are in the recent_submissions array. Can be one of submissions, characters, or collections.
null if this is an unauthenticated request or an object representing aspects of the relationship between the current user and the specified user.
Whether the specified user’s favorites are shown as icons at the top of the profile page.
Whether the specified user’s favorites should be shown at all.
null if the specified user doesn’t allow statistics to be shown or an object of statistics about the specified user.

A user object resembles:

    "banned": false,
    "catchphrase": "",
    "commission_info": {
        "commissions": null,
        "details": "&lt;",
        "price_classes": null,
        "requests": null,
        "trades": null
    "created_at": "2012-11-03T17:01:37Z",
    "featured_submission": null,
    "folders": [],
    "full_name": "weyk\u00ebnt",
    "login_name": "weykent",
    "media": {
        "avatar": [
                "mediaid": 937444,
                "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/user/66/42/8d/0a/3f/8c//5756/avatar.png"
        "banner": [
                "mediaid": 937443,
                "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/user/66/42/8d/0a/3f/8c//5756/banner.gif"
    "profile_text": "<p>yo. I do weasyl coding and shit.</p><p>&#128572;</p>",
    "recent_submissions": [],
    "recent_type": "collections",
    "relationship": null,
    "show_favorites_bar": false,
    "show_favorites_tab": false,
    "statistics": {
        "faves_received": 0,
        "faves_sent": 2,
        "followed": 23,
        "following": 56,
        "journals": 0,
        "page_views": 16354,
        "submissions": 0,
        "submit_views": 0
    "stream_text": "",
    "stream_url": "",
    "streaming_status": "stopped",
    "suspended": false,
    "user_info": {
        "age": null,
        "aim": "",
        "facebook": "",
        "foursquare": "",
        "gender": "h4x0r",
        "googleplus": "",
        "icq": "",
        "location": "seattle, wa",
        "msn": "",
        "myspace": "",
        "psn": "",
        "reddit": "",
        "skype": "",
        "steam": "",
        "tumblr": "",
        "twitter": "",
        "xboxlive": "",
        "yahoo": "",
        "youtube": ""
    "username": "weykent"

Media keys

media keys in Weasyl API responses take the form of a JSON object mapping descriptive names to media file objects.

The media file objects will have at least two keys: url, and mediaid. The mediaid is a unique identifier which unambiguously refers to a particular file stored by Weasyl. The url is one possible URL where the file can be downloaded. There can be multiple possible urls for a given mediaid. A mediaid can also be null to indicate the url is already unambiguous.

A media file object may also have another key: links. The links key is itself a media key, and allows media files to be linked to other media files. Currently, the only kind of link is "cover", which links a media file to its cover image.

For submissions, the possible descriptive names are "submission" for the original file uploaded by the user, "cover" for the submission’s cover image, and "thumbnail" for the submission’s thumbnail. The "submission" and "cover" names are optional for a submission, while the "thumbnail" name will always exist.

For users, the possible descriptive names are "avatar" for the user’s avatar and "banner" for the user’s banner. "banner" is optional while "avatar" will always exist.

Here is an example of the media for a visual submission:

  "submission": [
      "links": {
        "cover": [
            "mediaid": 1651999,
            "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/media/..."
      "mediaid": 1651999,
      "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/media/..."
  "thumbnail": [
      "mediaid": 1652001,
      "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/media/..."
  "cover": [
      "links": {
        "cover": [
            "mediaid": 1651999,
            "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/media/..."
      "mediaid": 1651999,
      "url": "https://www.weasyl.com/static/media/..."


Authentication can be done in one of two ways: a Weasyl API key, or an OAuth2 bearer token.

Weasyl API keys are managed at <https://www.weasyl.com/control/apikeys>, and are extremely simple to use. To authenticate a request, set the X-Weasyl-API-Key header to the value of an API key, and the user agent will be authenticated as the user who created the key.

To authenticate a request with an OAuth2 bearer token, pass an Authorization: Bearer header along with the token, as described in <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-20#section-2.1>.


At the moment, these are the non-200 OK statuses potentially emitted by the Weasyl API:

  • 401 Unauthorized. This is emitted for resources which require an authenticated user if no authorization is provided, or if the provided authorization is invalid.
  • 403 Forbidden. This is emitted in the case of an expected error. That is, Weasyl was able to process your request, but is unable to return the requested entity for some reason.
  • 404 Not Found. This is emitted if a URL is requested which doesn’t have matching data. For example, a request to GET /api/users/(login_name)/gallery for a login name which doesn’t exist.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity. This is emitted if a parameter’s value is unparsable or invalid. For example, if a non-numeric value is specified for a parameter requiring a numeric value.
  • 500 Internal Server Error. This is emitted in the case of an unexpected error. That is, Weasyl was unable to process your request.

In addition to sending a non-200 OK response, errors are signaled by returning a JSON object with an error key. The value of this key will be an object containing either a code key, a name key, or neither. An object with a code or name key will unambiguously specify the problem encountered. An object with neither key indicates that an unexpected error was encountered.

An error response resembles the following:

  "error": {
    "name": "RatingExceeded"

OAuth2 errors

If a bearer token has expired, the WWW-Authenticate header in the response will include error="invalid_token".


cover image
The image displayed on the submission page, which may be smaller than the actual submission file. Cover images will be no larger than 1024 pixels by 3000 pixels.
ISO 8601 timestamp
A string representing a particular moment in time. Weasyl requires exactly one of the formats described by ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. For example, 2014-02-12T17:00:00Z. As this includes a trailing Z, the time is required to be in UTC.
login name
A user’s username, lowercase, and omitting all non-alphanumeric, non-ASCII characters.

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